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On this page you will find the most frequently asked questions about the RegLab application, AML compliance services and information security. Is your question not listed? Please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Frequently asked questions about the RegLab application

Is the AML content kept up to date?

Is the application only suitable for large firms?

Is the application only suitable for AML or also for non-AML matters?

Does the application also check for sanctions?

Does the application generate an overview for the supervisor?

How does the identification process work?

Can I send the engagement letter via the application?

What makes RegLab different from other AML compliance software?

How secure is my data when I use RegLab?

Does the application comply with GDPR guidelines?

What integration options does RegLab offer?

What does implementation and onboarding look like?

Do you provide customer support and technical assistance?

On which devices does the RegLab application work?

In which languages is the application available?

Frequently asked questions about Compliance as a Service

Can I get the compliance service without the application?

Can I have an occasional audit or quality check done by RegLab?

The supervisor comes to our firm, how can the compliance services of RegLab help me?

What does an AML training look like?

Can Compliance as a Services help me identify and assess AML risks?

How is an AML policy drafted?

What is the difference between a quality check and an audit?

What specific topics are covered during an audit?

What specific topics are covered during a quality check?

Frequently asked questions about information security


What is RegLab’s cookie policy

Where is RegLab’s product infrastructure hosted?

Data Encryption and Storage

How does RegLab encrypt data in transit?

How does RegLab encrypt data at rest?

Can RegLab track changes to sensitive data?

Does RegLab ensure logs are tamper-evident and regularly monitored?

Data Backup and Recovery

Did RegLab define a backup policy?

Do the backups have defined recovery procedures?

Are backups stored off-site?

Are backups encrypted using strong encryption algorithms?

How can I perform my own backups of my data?


What is RegLab’s uptime commitment?

Security Management

Does RegLab have a ISO27001 certification?

Does RegLab use adequate anti-malware software?

Does RegLab deploy password protection solutions, such as encryption?

Has RegLab defined a policy for updating the components (software, libraries, etc.) of the application? How are vulnerabilities monitored?

User and Identity Management

Are the default authentication elements on equipment and services systematically changed?

Are RegLab’s user and administrator accounts nominative?

Audit and Monitoring

Is an information security audit plan defined?

Authentication and Access Control

How do I set up Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)?

How do I set up Single Sign On (SSO)?

Is the access to the application outside of SSO blocked?