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3 tips: work more efficiently after summer

RegLab Summer Reads


In this series of summer reads, we cover an update or relevant case study related to AML every month during the summer. This fourth and final edition, we share some tips.

It hurts a little to write, but we really have to get down to it. Summer is almost over and most colleagues are returning from well-earned holidays. In short, the everyday hustle and bustle is coming back.   

To give you a little help in easing the busy workload in the office, in this mail we give some tips that you can easily apply. This not only simplifies the AML-work, but also provides compliance assurance.    


Tip 1 – Stay up to date

Want to easily keep up to date with legislation or receive tips, without having to actively search for them yourself? Then follow these LinkedIn pages:

With up-to-date knowledge, you will be well prepared for the latest AML requirements. In addition, you will always have AML at the back of your mind thanks to updates in your feed.


Tip 2 - Provide a centralised overview 

Use one platform for all AML-related tasks and documents. This makes it easy to have a complete and up-to-date overview at any time. Even when the supervisor is on your doorstep. 

You no longer have to dig through different Excel documents, look up different papers or emails. Everything is in one platform, such as RegLab.


Tip 3 – Use a tool 

AML requires you to carefully assess risk with every new client relationship. This can be quite tricky as you have to deal with both objective and subjective indicators. This document helps you carry out that risk assessment effectively. It will help you determine whether you are dealing with a low-, medium- or high-risk client. Filling in the questions will calculate a score indicating the level of risk.


Click here to download the tool

With sunny regards, 

Team RegLab